Another hospital visit

My dear teammate, Hanna Charlotte, has been rather unlucky with hospitals in Uganda. She discovered a ”thing” under her foot 1-2 weeks ago, and at Mbale Regional Hospital they said it was a “foot corn”. In addition, they said they had to remove it – surgically. I felt awfully bad for my teammate, but she was brave, and now she is walking around with a crutch and a beautiful smile!

As a result of Hannas foot corn, we have spent the last couple of days relaxing at home. We have listened to Christmas music, we have had good food, we have made Christmas cookies, we have been watching movies, and we have laughed a lot!

I hope you are having a wonderful advent time! I love and miss you.

PS: To all my Norwegian friends: Please eat a “marispanjulegris” for me!

2 thoughts on “Another hospital visit

  1. Uff.. stakkar! Hils henne så mye 🙂
    Foresten så kommer jeg ikke til å spise noe marsipan for deg… Beklager. Kan lage cookies å late som om du er her, og deretter spise dobbel porsjon for deg.. deal?
    Savner deg så utrolig mye! Glad i deg ❤

  2. I hope that Hanna is somewhat better. It’s good that you are there and take care of her Benedicte. I think of you every day.

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